Foreigners Service Hotline at 0800-024-111 for assistance.

The follwoing information is only for your reference. If you have any visa-related issue, please consult with your nearest R.O.C. (Taiwan) embassy and overseas mission (ROC Embassies and Missions Abroad), or refer to the National Immigration Agency website for further information.

Please ensure that you understand all relevant visa regulations before departure.
Alternatively, please call the Foreigners Service Hotline at 0800-024-111 for assistance.

A:The applicant must visit the nearest National Immigration Agency in person to apply for visa extension at least 7-10 days prior to visa expiration. Applicants who fail to comply may be fined and removed from the country. Required documents are:
(1) Application form
(2) Certificate of Enrollment
(3) Record of Attendance
(4) Passport (must be valid for at least 6 months and contain adequate blank pages)

A:As a 30-day visa-exempt entry cannot be extended, foreign nationals must leave the R.O.C. (Taiwan) after the visa exemption period expires to apply for a new visa from abroad. Therefore, we strongly recommend students who apply for the full course (3-month) to refrain from entering the R.O.C. (Taiwan) on the 30-day visa-exempt entry.

A:Foreign nationals who have studied Chinese for one year and hold an Alien Resident Certificate may apply for part-time work permit. Prospective applicants may obtain work permit application form at the Language Center and submit their application along with relevant documents to the Ministry of Labor. After applications are approved, work permit will be sent to the office by mail.

A:Yes. However, as the duration of your stay is based on the date of entry, you may miss a few days of class. Please refer to our calendar before making travel arrangements.

A:Foreign nationals who have studied Chinese for one year and hold an Alien Resident Certificate may apply for part-time work permit. Foreigners without a work permit cannot engage in employment. Prospective students must apply for approval from the Language Center to apply for a work permit. After obtaining approval, you may submit your application for part-time work permit to Vocational Training Bureau. Please visit the Language Center office for further information.

A:Yes. After applying for university entrance and receiving Letter of Admission, students who hold a Resident Visa for studying Chinese may apply for change of visa. Please prepare all relevant documents and submit your application to the Southwestern Taiwan office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs before your duration of stay expires.

(1) Letter of Admission issued by the University
(2) Certificate of Enrollment issued by the Language Center
(3) Attendance Record issued by the Language Center
(4) Student ID issued by the Language Center
(5) Visa Application form (apply online)
(6) Two passport photos
(7) Passport (original)
(8) Health check result
(9) Proof of Financial Support (minimum NT$150,000 or equivalent)
(10) Highest education diploma authenticated by a R.O.C. overseas mission
(11) Official transcript of the highest academic degree authenticated by a R.O.C. overseas mission
(12) Notice of tuition payment issued by the University

A:If the visa expiration date is not far from the last day of the course, you can apply to the National Immigration Agency for an extension of a short grace period to complete the course (usually no more than 10 days). However, please note that the National Immigration Agency reserves the right to grant or deny extensions.

A:No. Each application is based on one course period offered at the Language Center (3 months in general). Applicants may apply for a 60-90 day Visitor Visa for studying Chinese from one of our overseas mission. If you intend to study multiple periods, please pay the tuition fees for the next semester during the registration and fee payment period for existing students. Also, please submit your Certificate of Enrollment and Official Transcript to apply for visa extension at least 2 weeks prior to visa expiration.

A:No. You may not apply for a visa with a different purpose while you are in the R.O.C. (Taiwan). You must leave the country and apply for a Resident Visa for studying Chinese at a R.O.C. (Taiwan) embassy or overseas mission with an Admission Letter issued by the Language Center along with other supporting documents.

A:You may apply for the Dependent Visa for your child.
YunTech Language Center
Office of International Affairs
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